Well, the first marathon for 2008 is in the bag – I did the Carlsbad Marathon in Carlsbad California on Sunday, January 21.
I was trying to think of some Rock and Roll Metaphors to use to describe this race – There were many options, including:
- the “Ca-Ca-Ca Carlsbad”, based upon how cold it was at the start (and also, if I would have had a “crappy” finish time)
- “Suddenly, I Sea”, a play on the title of the K.T. Tunstall tune, making reference to the stretches of this race that ran along the Pacific ocean
- “Running up that Hill”, a nod to Kate Bush and a commentary on the several rolling uphill stretches on this course
“It’s (Carls) Bad, you know” – quoting R.L. Burnside, he of the Soprano’s soundtrack fame.
And, of course there’s the ever popular Mama’s and Papa’s “California Dreaming” (on such a winters day!) to rub it in for my Midwestern Brethren, back there in the cold and snow.
But, what it really came down to was…I really had a great time!

Cayelin and I left Tucson Saturday morning early, and made the drive across to San Diego. It’s about a six hour ride, I-10 up from Tucson to I-8 West, through southwest Arizona, and up over the mountains through Yuma, and down into the San Diego area. It was a really great ride, sunny and dry, and the desert and mountain views were stunning all the way.
Arriving in the San Diego area, I am reminded of why I don’t want to live in California. Back when I was a Sales Road Warrior, I used to spend a lot of time running up and down the West Coast, from San Diego to Seattle. Basically, California consists of massive freeway systems, with some scenery and suburbs thrown in. (Oh, and a beach or two) Indeed, the California lifestyle has a lot to do with driving – fast and furious. The terminology out there is ubiquitous, they refer to the Freeways as unique “entities”, as in “Take THE Five, or get on THE One-Sixty-Three” . It seems as if when they say “THE” there are parentheses around the term, as if you are preparing for a mystical experience. Soaring, arched bridges span huge amounts of the skyline, and there seem to be about 16 lanes at times all running parallel to one another, yet leading in different directions. After the pastoral scenery of the desert and mountain crossings, I immediately felt vulnerable in my small Toyota as we entered San Diego City Limits at 85 MPH, being swept along with the traffic flow that was oblivious to the posted 55 MPH speed limit..
Cayelin’s 22-year old daughter Jenna lives in Pacific Beach (a part of San Diego), and it was at her behest that we were there in the first place. She was running her second Half Marathon in Carlsbad, and of course I couldn’t just go half way, so I had signed up for the full Marathon. I’ve mentioned Jenna in previous blogs; she and I have done several training runs in her last few trips to Tucson, and keeping up with her while we circle Reid Park causes me to have to keep the metaphorical personal accelerator firmly against the floor. She pushes me, in other words, making me feel every minute of the 25-year difference in our ages.
So, we get to Pacific Beach, admire Jenna’s amazing close-to-the beach digs, and, after a side trip to downtown San Diego to pick up friend Paul’s car, we head up to Carlsbad to the Marathon Expo.
Carlsbad was an easy 25 minute ride up THE Five (Interstate 5 for the rest of you non-Californians) and we arrived there in good time. Thankfully, we were going north instead of south, we got to admire the 30 miles of backed up traffic heading into San Diego from points north. The San Diego Chargers were in the playoffs on Sunday, of course and it seemed like most of California was headed down to watch the game in the home town.
Those that weren’t running the marathon, anyway…
The expo was held, in all places, in the parking lot of a huge shopping mall. After circling the entire mile wide mall, we spotted some tents way down in a corner and decided that must be where it was.
The expo was really well done. Chip pickup was a breeze, packet pickup the same, and they also passed out the shirts as well. The shirt is a navy long-sleeve technical shirt (yeah, I need another one) with NO advertising on it, but on the back it said “Carlsbad Marathon 2008 Finisher” This was the only drawback to me. Once again, having not finished the race, I was slightly nonplussed to see this. Seems like bad karma to claim “Finisher” before you’ve gone the distance. More on this later
There were several tents linked together and there was everything from the usual apparel and shoe vendors, to some amazing energy bar stands, to a Juice stand, offering tremendous and generous samples, …….and also the San Diego Police Department. As you may imagine, the other booths were fairly well mobbed, but the Police were just standing there, looking menacing, and everyone seemed to avert their eyes as they went past. They had a huge sign – “San Diego Police are now Hiring” but no one seemed interested. I did think to myself, that there were probably no better places to recruit potential Law Enforcement people than a marathon expo. Where else would you find people who could probably run down criminals if necessary and would be healthy enough in a non-donut shop way to actually be an asset to the force?
We managed to not get arrested or recruited, noshed our way around, bought a few things and then headed over to Souplantation across the mall to do some pre-race carbo-loading. Souplantation is one of those all you can eat soup, salad, bread and desert places and proved to be an excellent choice for the night before meal.
Noticeable while we were eating was a table behind us filled with what looked to be several Kenyan runners, resplendent in logo’d sweats and eating some very healthy looking food. Indeed, the next day in the race, I saw at least two of these guys way out in the front of the crowd leading the pack, so…..I can say I “loaded with the leaders” in Carlsbad.
An early night, and then it was back to the Mall in the morning, as the starting line was right outside the Expo tents from the day before.
Before the Race
Pre-dawn in Carlsbad was freezing – a damp 30 degrees or so, and though we got there at 6:20, with the race starting at 7:30, the parking lot was filling fast. They said that over eight thousand people were in the race that day, and of course all of them were there trying to park close to the starting line.
We all trekked over to the line of porto potties, and there were as usual, tremendous lines, but mostly because an entire block-long wall of the provided pooping centers were LOCKED tightly. Almost everyone, myself included had to go over and check, just to make sure that the other 8,000 people had somehow just not seen this entire lineup of non-attended comfort stations. Perhaps someone had forgotten the keys? I still don’t know the answer, but we joined a long line and in due time, found relief.
By now it was past 7:00 am, and we met daughter Jenna and friend Paul. A few snapshots later, Jenna and I headed to the start line as the half and full marathon were starting together.
Pre-dawn in Carlsbad was freezing – a damp 30 degrees or so, and though we got there at 6:20, with the race starting at 7:30, the parking lot was filling fast. They said that over eight thousand people were in the race that day, and of course all of them were there trying to park close to the starting line.
We all trekked over to the line of porto potties, and there were as usual, tremendous lines, but mostly because an entire block-long wall of the provided pooping centers were LOCKED tightly. Almost everyone, myself included had to go over and check, just to make sure that the other 8,000 people had somehow just not seen this entire lineup of non-attended comfort stations. Perhaps someone had forgotten the keys? I still don’t know the answer, but we joined a long line and in due time, found relief.
By now it was past 7:00 am, and we met daughter Jenna and friend Paul. A few snapshots later, Jenna and I headed to the start line as the half and full marathon were starting together.
There was a the usual pre-race hoopla, and some “pump up the crowd” commentary about the San Diego Charger game later that day. The announcer, in fine voice told us all that we had representatives from all 50 states and umpteen countries. Blah Blah Blah. I’m in my shorts and a throwaway longsleeve shirt, and I’m freezing along with the rest of the crowd. Promptly at 7:32 or so, we are off. I didn’t hear a gun, but suddenly the crowd is moving around me.
This race, by the way, was my maiden voyage with new technology. At the holidays this year, I succumbed to a long-standing resistance to adding more technology to my life and bought myself a Garmin Forerunner 205 GPS unit. One of the attractive aspects to it was not only the instant distance and time readout, but that the technology had advanced enough that it didn’t look like you were wearing a submarine sandwich (or Voodoo Donut Maple Log) on your wrist – merely a pretty large digital watch.
Anyway, I powered up my new toy a few minutes before the start, waited impatiently for it to handshake with the satellites and, as I crossed the timing mat under the banner, I hit the start button. We were off!
Since I am a seasoned marathon runner, and had been bit severely by not paying attention to things like this, I had studied the elevation map (see below) for the Carlsbad route very closely – and more than once. I also went and read the race commentary on Marathon Guide as well. In all cases, it was clear that this was quite the rolling course, with some pretty severe uphill stretches interspersed all through the course. Thus, I was psyched (and resigned) that it might be a bit of a slog to get across the finish line.

The course headed out and down an urban street, with a canyon wall stretching up and to the right. It was a huge crowd of runners, most of whom it seemed were running the Half Marathon. There were several pace groups as well, but they were haphazardly scattered throughout the throng – I think I saw a 2:50 group right alongside the 4:00 group. Since staying ahead of the 4:00 group is always my objective, I tried to stay up with them but due to the slower runners and narrow streets, they were soon way in front of me.
After the first half mile, the course took off up a long, long, meandering hill. “Crap!” I’m thinking. Having been warned about this, I was already feeling the oncoming pain.
We rolled up and over THE Five Freeway, and flattened out. The first mile passed and then we went downhill, around a hairpin turn, out about 100 yards and another hairpin back up the same hill. The two mile marker was there.
I checked my GPS and it read “2.07”. Hmmmmmm.
Continued on for a few miles, past the second and third water stop. At each mile marker, the GPS Readout said 3:07, 4:07…then 5:08. Again, Hmmmmmm.
Around mile four or so, we are in view of the Pacific Ocean. I am totally warmed up by now and donated my shirt at the mile four water station, and a few miles later, my gloves.
As we get closer to the Pacific, I’m wishing I had them back. The breeze is off the ocean, and very cool, and we are heading directly into the low rising winter sun as well, causing a lot of glare as we make our way along the coast.
Around mile five or so, the course split. Half Marathoners to the right, Full Marathoners to the left. The full marathoners were far fewer than the halvsies, so there was soon plenty of room to run. We went up and over a road bridge and turned inland for a long way.
I was hoping for a lot of Oceanside views, but I don’t think that even half of the race was in sight of the ocean. We stretched inland from mile six or so, through and along an industrial area, some mixed residential/industrial/retail areas and along the sides of some seaward hills. The course meandered up and down, and then around a huge corner and up a San-Francisco like hill. I was close to mile 8, running up this hill when I ran into the following, in this order:
- a group of “Hecklers” who chorused “It’s another Marathon Maniac” “And It’s Not Monday Yet” “How many is this today?”…and so on
Followed by:
- The Christian Brigade – a group of what looked like Nuns and Priests in Civilian clothing. They offered me a “Runners Prayer” a necklace of string, with a 3 X 5 Card, with a crucifix and some printing attached. They offered to put it on around my neck
“No thanks!” I said breathlessly. (not only did I not need the message, I also instantly imagined what toting that bouncing piece of cardboard and string around my neck for another 18 miles would do to my finishing time. Talk about chafing! And also, I didn’t want to risk getting struck down by lightening or anything for discarding or losing it along the way”)
“Gods Blessing on you!” said one of the Nuns as I hurtled past.
And then
- THE BLUES BROTHERS! Jake and Elwood, in full Blues Brothers regalia, lip syncing to “Cheaper to Keep Her”, which I recognized from the movie “Blues Brothers 2000”. I high-fived Jake, and then passed on to:
- a fully stocked Aid station, complete with Oranges, Bananas and other libations. I grabbed some orange slices and drinks and then, picked orange shards out of my teeth for the next three miles.
It soon became evident why there was so much “support” in this half mile stretch. The course hung a right and headed even further straight uphill. The road arched off into the distance…….going up, up and up. The promised Mid-course Mountain....
I slogged uphill past the eight mile mark. On the other side of the street, I see the 10 mile marker and runners returning, so I know this is a long loop. We go up and finally reach the top, and then shoot straight down a sheer incline for another third of a mile or so. There is an immediate turnaround, complete with Chip mat, and then the 9 mile marker. Then, it’s back up hill to the top of the LONG hill, up up up and over, and then a careening downhill stretch for about a mile and a half.
Just close to the top of the hill, I come across another runner wearing the blue Carlsbad Finishers shirt, and also a “Runners Prayer” card bouncing on his back. Chuck, from Omaha Nebraska, I later learned. We had a great three or four mile conversation and sprint together, hurtling down the long hill and out onto the rest of the course. We got to trade Marathon stories and I gotta say, I’m grateful to Chuck for a great mid-race pacing effort. We hit the 12 mile mark at 1:45, and the halfway point at a typical-for-me 1:53-and-change, though my GPS said it was about 13.3 miles by now. Hmmmmmmm.
Chuck wished me luck after the half-way point, and soon was off in the distance. We had returned from the industrial loop, and hung another right into…the “Lupus Loop” – a four-mile sojourn through another mixed residential/industrial/retail area. Every 10 feet or so, there were cardboard signs, extolling a burma-shave-like litany of the Dangers of Lupus.
Whatever Lupus is…..
Rounded the end of the “Lupus Loop” at almost mile 15, crossed another chip timing mat and headed back out. Crossed the same road bridge from before, and then a long sweeping curve that emptied out onto the place where the Half Marathoners and Full Marathoners had separated in the first place. Déjà vu, all over again. Beneath me on the roadway, I see a long march of walkers, joggers and plodders heading for home.
The Carlsbad Marathon had some strict criteria for Finishers. They had two early start waves, a 5:30 start for anyone who needed 6 ½ hours to finish either the half or the full Marathon. A 6:30 start was also available, and then there was my wave – the 7:30 wave, which meant that you had to complete the course in 10 minute miles or so to be across the finish line by the 12:00 pm cutoff. Dire warnings were posted on both the website and in the race instructions about strict enforcement of the cutoff and the course being closed.
I wasn’t worried – too much anyway.
The only problem with this set up is that by now, I’ve caught up with many of these early birds. Scores of walkers, some three and four abreast are clogging up the course and doing their death march to the finish. I weave in and out of them for basically the rest of the race.
We are completing a stretch along the beach and we are obviously on the Half Marathon course now. I come across the 18 mile marker, and then the Six Mile marker for the half. The course rolls along the ocean front, up and down, some pretty extreme grades to yet another turnaround, around mile 19 or so.
The Aid stations were numerous and frequent both early on and late in the race. About every mile or mile and a quarter there was water, Sport Drink, and also several Gel Stops. The Gel was “Accel Gel” a HUGE pouch of semi-liquid goo, which packed an energy punch that quickened my pace each time I imbibed. Chocolate seemed to be the only flavor available, but it was darn good stuff
One other side note – there was a ton of entertainment. In addition to the Blues Brothers mentioned, there were several other bands, from single guitar players to Bluegrass, to Drum Lines – something for everyone. One of my favorites was around mile 12 – a cowboy band, complete in Stetsons, pegged jeans and boots, singing a langorous version of “Ghost Riders in the Sky” with improvised lyrics, including “As the runners ran on by him, he heard one call his name…….”
By now the sun is up and it’s getting warm – even through my short-sleeved technical shirt and Marathon Maniacs singlet I’m feeling pretty overdressed.
It was again, worth it to be sporting my yellow Marathon Maniacs shirt. The Maniacs were out in force that day (though mostly in front of me!) And also their support crew. I got several special “Go Maniac!” shouts from fellow brethren, and also water stop crew and spectators. One pretty young women came out on the course to high-five me and tell me HER maniac number – Two hundred-something (I lost it in the crowd noise). As there were several loops in the course where you could see oncoming runners there was a lot of chance to offer and receive the Love from the other Maniacs. It’s a great community! www.marathonmaniacs.com - I'm number 486
By now I’m through Mile 20 and headed for home. Right about then, I come upon a familiar site – a blue shirt with a bobbing “Runners Prayer” card – “Brother Chuck!” I shout as I cruise by. “I thought I’d see you again! He shouts – “I’m hurting – Good luck!” “You’ll see me again,” I add as I pass him, but I wasn’t sure that would be true.
By the way – many people were wearing their “Finishers Shirts” for the race – the Half marathon version was white, and I saw, literally hundreds of them out there.
………….So, what has been happening for me in the seven weeks since my Painful Tucson Marathon experience? To tell you the truth in the weeks following Tucson, I wasn’t sure when or if I was really interested in tackling the 26.2 anytime soon. That. Marathon. Hurt. I had Frankenstein legs for days afterwards, and really felt the aches even when I started running a week or two later.
However, there have been some pretty cool things that have happened. First, as mentioned, were some excellent training runs over the Holidays with Jenna, who literally dragged me out most days to do our loop or two. Second, Cayelin and I have been doing some incredible hikes in Saguaro East, hiking up some pretty steep and rugged trails. Third, Cayelin found the Arizona School of Acupuncture where you can go and be a Guinea Pig for Acupuncture Students, receiving some amazing care and therapy for an incredibly reasonable rate. I had two sessions with Diane, an amazing healer who stuck my legs and feet full of needles, and also gave me some Cranial Sacral Therapy all of which has seemingly done me well. I’ve also worked a bit on my diet and attitude with the vision that maybe I didn’t need as much pain in the next marathon.
And also – my new GPS has shown me that I am regularly training here in Tucson at altitudes between 2,500 and 3,000 feet Going to sea level in Carlsbad actually gave me a pretty good “altitude edge” with additional aerobic capacity.
……..At mile 20, I’m at 2:57:59 on the clock (GPS says it’s 20.2, but I have to go with the posted marker) Once again, I’m in the enviable position of needing to average 10 minute miles or less to get home in under four hours.
The course is rolling hills from there, and I pick off the miles one at a time. It’s warm now, and I take a few walking breaks, slowing down some, but mostly I’m feeling pretty good, so hills or not, I clip along pretty well. It’s pretty clear that I’m under four hours, but by how much?
There is quite a steep hill up to mille 24 and 25, and then, at mile 25.5, we are on the inbound stretch of the first hill we encountered from the start, and it’s time to get it done. I fly down the hill and around the corner, weave in and out of the walkers, limpers, and strollers, and around the last corner into the mall. Right at the corner I have to dodge around a fat, waddling elderly lady with a DOG on a long leash for crying out loud and her entourage blocking half a lane of traffic, but I make it past and pour it on to the finish.
“And here comes number 560, Peter Klein, from Oconomowoc, Wisconsin” the announcer shouts as I blast across the finish line. I’m stunned that he actually pronounced my home town correctly. He goes on “My Wife’s from Hartland, right by there – you can be that we’ll be flying in a lot of Cheese for the Packers game today!!”
Nice finish line announcement
Finish clock reads 3:57 – GPS reads 3:55:27…..and 26.44 miles. What the heck?
Chip removal, and then I get my finishers medal – a HUGE square block of metal, about four inches square. The young sweetheart hangs it on me, and I almost tip over from the sheer weight of the thing.
Staggering through the finishers chute, I encounter the next nice touch. All runners get a pre-stuffed snack pack, which is doled out one at a time by a cadre of volunteers. Some great libations, including some Tigers Milk bars, Rice Krispy treats and other pretty tasty fare. A good way to do it - this way, everyone gets fed.
I rendezvous almost immediately with Cayelin, Jenna and Paul. Jenna popped off a stellar 1:53 finish for this, her second Half Marathon - and they’ve already been to breakfast and back, (yeah, I'm slow!) and they are fed, rested and ready to roll.
A few finish line photos, and then we join the long line of cars slowly making their way out of the mall to the next chapter.
I’m not sure what to say about the whole GPS thing. Either the course was mis-marked in some way, or I’m a weaver – big time. I do suspect the latter. It’s a small percentage of the total, but wow, a whole extra quarter mile…..if you do the math, my finish time might have been a full 2 and a quarter minutes less, considering an average nine minute mile. So, how far am I really running on all my training runs? How accurate are these races?
And the big question – does it really matter?
Any GPS experts out there have any input for me??
And wow – the Marathon was NOT the event that day. Finishing stats showed that I was number 230 out of only 916 Finishers. The Half marathon, however, had 6,344 total finishers, or almost Seven Times as many Half marathoners.
That’s a big difference!
Carlsbad was an excellent Marathon. Great support, Okay Course, stellar logistics, finishers medal and organization. I would definitely recommend it for a January California Destination Marathon. The only negative for me was a sad experience we had as we were leaving that really of hit me in a troubling way. As we left the Mall, because of the heavy traffic, we decided to take a side street back to THE Five to get back to our Hotel. We soon encountered, on the sidewalks, a steady stream of runners and walkers grimly jogging, walking, waddling, and limping back to the Mall. This was not a road that had been on the original course, either. I checked my watch and it was 12:05 pm. Apparently the course had closed right on schedule as promised, routing the stragglers back by the most direct route. I saw many of the people I had passed at some time during the race who had obviously failed to make it home in the allotted time. Many, by the way, were wearing their “Finishers” shirts.. I have to say that my heart really went out to these people – to be so close, and not be able to complete the course. That’s gotta be tough
So, if anyone is counting, the marathon just turned 40 for me – 20 years, 40 Marathons – and counting. A milestone of sorts, but in no way the end. What began on a cold October day in Chicago in 1988 is still going in 2008 - 40 marathons and 1,048 timed miles later far away on the West Coast on a sunny California day. Thanks to my old boss Sam for getting me going two decades ago.
I’m writing this two days and an acupuncture appointment after crossing the Finish line (thank you Diane!) and I gotta tell you – I feel GREAT! And ready to do the next 40 or so.
Hope you enjoy the pictures – Thanks Again Jenna! Thanks for the mid-race sprint, Chuck-from-Omaha. And thanks to Cayelin and Paul for hanging out for the event
Up the road!
Bib: 560
Name: Peter Klein
Gender: M
Age: 47
Hometown: Oconomowoc WI
Place Overall: 230 out of 916
Men: 182 out of 550
M 45-49: 22 out of 70
AgeGrade: 58.01% Place: 252
FINISH: 3:55:27 pace: 8:59
15k: 1:24:03 pace: 9:01
22K: 2:01:23 pace: 8:52
20 Mile: 2:55:59 pace: 8:48
Chip Time: 3:55:27
Gun Time: 3:57:32
Bib: 9635
Name: Jenna Van Cleve
Gender: F
Age: 22
Hometown: San Diego CA
Place Overall: 1449 out of 6334
Women: 458 out of 3702
F 18-24: 38 out of 259
AgeGrade: 58.62% Place: 1315
FINISH: 1:53:09 pace: 8:38
6.6 Mile: 59:59 pace: 9:06
Chip Time: 1:53:09
Gun Time: 1:55:14
Congrats on a nice finish. I ran it last year and really thought it was well organized.
Thanks for the great write up.
way to go man...40 marathons and counting. It certainly appears that you become more healthy and more connected as you go. Keep it up!!
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